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The Newsletter of the Provincial Grand Lodge & Provincial Grand Chapter of Leicestershire & Rutland


Hinckley Lodge of Installed Masters No.9972, a new Lodge in Leicestershire & Rutland

After months of hard work by the Founding Brethren of the Hinckley Lodge of Installed Masters No.9972, and also the Provincial Executive, the Lodge consecration was held at Freemasons' Hall Leicester on Thursday 23rd May 2019.

Over 130 Brethren took their seats in the Oliver Lodge Room as the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Dr Andrew Green took the chair and appointed the Consecrating Officers to the various positions around the Lodge.  The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. David Hagger then entered the room to preside over the consecration ceremony, ably assisted by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies W.Bro. Geoff Searson, the Provincial Grand Chaplain R.W.Bro. Rev. Canon Michael Wilson, and other members of the consecrating team.

After the conclusion of the consecration ceremony, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Peter Kinder assumed the chair to direct the Installation ceremony, as the Worshipful Master Designate, W.Bro. David Fell was installed as the first Master of the Lodge.

The Provincial Grand Master was delighted to present Founders Jewels to all of the Founders present, 

The first duty of W.Bro. David was to appoint and invest his officers for the year, starting with his two Wardens, W.Bro. Michael Kennedy and W.Bro. John Reilly. 

As a most welcome surprise, the Provincial Grand Master, before the evenings' proceedings were concluded, presented a promotion to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden to the new Master, who was left speechless at such a kind gesture.

The Consecration was followed by a festive board with a packed dining hall, as Founders, guests, and visitors celebrated this rare but special occasion.  W.Bro. David Fell concluded the evening by thanking all of those present for their hard work and dedication, and finally presented a cheque for £250 to the Provincial Grand Master for the 2022 Festival.


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